It is important to grow the club and your help with encouraging new people to come to the lessons is important. Please contact Julie Weber 027 458 4855 or Trevor Gane 021 252 0327 if you or anyone you know is interested in learning bridge. Beginners’ lessons will be held on Monday nights starting 17 March 2025.Cost is $60 which includes 6 months membership
Refresher Lessons - Thrusday Nights - Sept & Oct
Refresher lessons are aimed at Monday night players although anyone is welcome to come and they are free. These will be held on Thursday nights during September and October and will cover basic bidding and hand play. A notice will be displayed on the noticeboard with a signup sheet.These will only be run if there is sufficient interest.
Practice Pairs - Monday Night Public Holidays
Three Practice Pairs sessions will be held during the year on the 3 public holiday Monday nights starting at 6pm.
16 boards will be played with a discussion of bidding and play after each board.
These are aimed at more junior players but anyone is welcome and they are free.It is better if you come along with a partner you have played with before, however partners will be found if required.
A notice will be displayed on the noticeboard with a signup sheet.These will only be run if there is sufficient interest.
These lessons are aimed at Tues night players although anyone is welcome to come and they are free. They are the next step to increasing your bridge knowledge.
A notice will be displayed on the noticeboard with a signup sheet. These will only be run if there is sufficient interest.